Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Isn't he handsome?

I' m so proud!!!!!! Not because he is so handsome but because he is as GOOD on the INSIDE as he is CUTE! Now I may be bias but to me that is pretty GREAT!!!


As the time grows near for Josy to go to Kindergarten and Johnathan to start his Senior year I think about all the changes that are about to happen in both of their lives and in mine. I am still very nervous about Josy starting kindergarten but I think I am NOW more worried about Johnathan. He is growing into a fine young man but with that comes A LOT more independence. I am confident that he will continue to make wise choices with his life but it scares me. The world is soooo full of things to cause people to stumble. We have always tried to raise him in a way that pleases God and he is such a good boy!!! But the simple fact is....I am NOT ready for him to be a SENIOR!! Where did the time go? It seems like yesterday I was rocking him to sleep and reading him stories. It is such a bittersweet thing for your kids to grow up! Of course I want him to grow and be independent but I miss the times when he was young and innocent and thought his mommy had all the answers(even when I didn't). Now he knows that I am strictly a mom that does make mistakes and yes I mean lots of them and that I have been saved by the same grace that God bestowed upon his life. And with that I do find comfort. Comfort knowing that I will not always be there to make the decisions for my Johnathan but I know that God will and he loves him even more than I do... Yea hard to imagine but that is the kind of God we serve!!! I guess I do not know what the future holds for me or my children but I do know who DOES!! Now people that is something to be thankful for.......

Friday, July 18, 2008


Well we have been back from China for 4 years !! Can you believe it? I can't! We normally get together with The King's to celebrate but this year we didn't!! It makes me very sad! I am very embarrassed to say this but I forgot and let the day get away from me. I feel terrible and I am going to plan on calling Susan to see if we can do a LATE GOTCHA Day. So Susan... if you read this and you would like to have a LATE Gotcha Day celebration I'm game. Call and we can decide when to do this and where!!! I suppose Josy ought to get use to her forgetful mom!! I LOVE YOU JOSY GIRL!!! FORGIVE ME????

Thursday, July 17, 2008


We went to Dollywood with a great friend we had not seen in awhile. It was so nice to reconnect. We rode a few rides and walked around. We decided not to stay all day because it was BLAZIN' HOT!!! We thought we would spend the rest of the day doing what we do!!!! day would be complete without we stopped at Ruby Tuesday and had a nice dinner. Afterwards we went to my house and sat on the front porch and talked while Josy played. It was such a nice day!!!! I just love how God blesses us with special people:)!!


We rode the cars and Josy was so cute. She was racing with this other car. She said "Mommy I am concentrating and I am going to win!" She was sitting up real close to the steering wheel. She is so competitive!!!

Fun on the CAROUSEL!!!

Just us girls!!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

China Doll Reunion

We went to Missouri for our annual reunion. We camped in a cabin at The Yogi Bear Campground. When we went to China to bring Josy home we "bonded" with the travel group. During our trip we agreed to meet once a year to allow the girls time to be together. We have met every year since we returned in 2004. It is such a special thing that we as adoptive families can come together every year and catch up. I guess you could say they are "our family." We feel very blessed to have been able to share one of the most blessed and most stessful events in our life with such special folks!!!! We always have a great time and can not wait until the next year!! This is the first year Josy was SAD to leave her China Sisters. She said "Oh daddy, I just love my China Sisters." SOOOOO SWEET!!!!

Elizabeth, Josy and Katelyn Elizabeth and Katelyn are from the same orphanage as Josy. The girls are just days apart in age.

This is a picture of Josy taking a picture of Elizabeth taking a picture of Josy!!!! Silly girls!!!!

addy getting their GLOW necklaces ready for the LIGHT PARADE!!! The last night we were there we took all of the girls around the campground for a LIGHT PARADE. It was so much fun that other campers joined in on the fun!

After the parade it was time for SMORES!!!

As we come together to celebrate at the reunion every year it makes me take time to stop and think about what my life would be without these special folks! They are so special because God chose to grow their family through the JOY and BLESSING of adoption too. I am thankful for my family and yes I mean my CHINA FAMILY!!!!! I can not wait til next year!!! Oh by the way, I wanted to let you all know that YES Josy is going to be starting Kindergarten. I have decided for sure....well...she hasn't started yet! LOL!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A trip to the EMERGENCY ROOM!!!!

You know I told you that Johnathan got a new job. Well he is working in the "food industry" and evidently he got into it with a sub sandwich and a knife. He was at work and he called and ask me to meet him at the ER. I immediately thought he had been involved in a wreck. I always worry when I know he is on the road. If you have a teenager you understand. I was relieved to find out that he had not been seriously injured. He had been preparing a sandwich and cut his finger. So we went to the ER and he was waiting on us there. His manager had taken him on over there. His girlfriend beat us to the hospital. She is such a sweet caring girl! He was fine. He was soooo worried about having to have a tetanus shot. He didn't because he had one 4 years ago. His finger is healing nicely and I am hoping that we do not have to go back to the ER for a LONG TIME!!!!

Cousins are SOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!!!

We had a cook out at Papaw Bob's house. It was so much fun. The kids always have a great time when they are together. The kiddos actually spent a lot of time in the sunroom and I caught some of "the action" on film.
Miss Miranda looking lovely and "innocent!"
Notice the pillow in Miranda's hand and the look on Braden's face!
Josy girl your getting ready to GET IT with the pillow!!!
Running for the hills!!!
Even with all this fun going on Seth managed to snuggle with mamaw and go to sleep!!!!
Mamaw and Seth
How SWEET is this????

Monday, July 7, 2008


Johnathan and Sophie RESTING!!!! Johnathan is taking a break from all of his hard work on the Mustang. He has finally got the motor put back in the white mustang. He has been working so hard. His goal was to get the motor back in the car before his dad got home from China. Well...the motor is in and it is not working. When I ask him why it is not working he says "technical difficulties!" I am so glad he can have a good attitude about the whole thing. I would be quite aggrevated!!!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008


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HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNA!!! Thank you for letting us be a part of your special celebration. We love you!!! Missy and Josy

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July Cookout!!

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MAKE SURE AND LIGHT THE MATCH AFTER THE SLIDESHOW LOADS!!!! I hope you enjoy the slideshow!!! We had a relaxful evening. I do wish Darrell could have made it back from China. We'll just have to celebrate again when he gets home!!