Monday, December 28, 2009

Decorating cookies!!!

Melee had fun decorating the cookies, but I think she enjoyed eating them better!!! ;) My serious cookie decorator!!! My sweet goddaughter, Alisa!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Josy has really been having trouble with talking back lately. We have been working on this with her. Today I was having our talk and she told me why she does this......You'll never guess what she said.........Her Bubba!!! She said he was talking back and she learned from him! What??? She continued on by telling me she learned all of her sinful behavior from wasn't my darlin' angels fault, right? Yea right!!!! They are never to young to try to worm their way out of being responsible for their OWN actions! My are a mess!!!! Doesn't raising children keep us on our toes(and knees)!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Our Family has another Christmas Ornament!!!

When Johnathan was a baby we bought an ornament that had three bears. One for each of us. Then when Josy came we made a trip to the Christmas Place and picked out another ornament. One that had 4 snowmen. One for each of us. So~~~tonight we went and got an ornament that had 5 stockings. After 19 years of marriage, we have grown in so many ways!! I love Christmas and putting up the tree. It brings to mind so many memories. I have a picture that is on my tree every year of Darrell and me on our first christmas together. The first christmas when we were only 14 and 15 years old. We were so young. When I look at that picture and then look at the stocking with our 3 babies there is only one word that comes to mind~BLESSED! We have been so blessed and I am so thankful to our Heavenly Father who has chose us to raise and love these 3 children!!!! We went and looked at Christmas lights on our way home and the girls eyes just sparkled with excitement!!! I love to see things through the eyes of my children! It brings such an innocence to life!!! I wonder what the LORD has in store for our family in the next 20 years?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Another lost tooth!!!

Josy lost her 2nd tooth. She was so excited she was hoping to get another $10 from the tooth fairy! I explained to her that the 1st tooth is really special and not to expect $10 everytime. Anyhoo...she was making plans of what she was going to do with her money. I was sitting in the recliner and she was hopping her tooth across the end table and it just so happened to hop right off the table and into the vent. You should've seen her face. Such dissappointment!!!! BUT~the tooth fairy ended up finding the tooth and she got a dollar. A very special dollar that had a red star on it!! She didn't understand why the tooth fairy would have put a star on her dollar. Maybe cause that was the only dollar she had? Kids want an explanation for everything!!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Back to the hosptial!

I knew it was too soon to be released. She has finally seen a doctor that thinks she is lactose intolerant. We will see. She is doing better and hopefully the longer she is off of milk products the better she will get!

Melee is home from the Hospital!

We had not been home from the hospital with Melee very long when nana brought Josy home. She was so happy to see her sister. One of the first things she wanted to show her was her loose tooth. This tooth has been loose for a long time, now it was just hanging on. I suppose she will loose it this weekend. This is a Huge deal for a 6 year old. I am so glad to have the baby home. Darrell made it home from Italy. I do think the hospital released Melee a little too soon. I have come very close to taking her back. Darrell wants to wait it out a little while. She has had 13 dirty diapers since they released her at 3:30. We will need to buy stock in Pedialyte before this is over. I am emotionally drained and so thankful to have hubby home!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Melee is hospitalized!

After 30 plus diaper she was admitted to Childrens Hospital for severe dehydration! I am so worried......but trusting GOD! She is soo sick!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Josy looses her 1st tooth!

She has waited and waited. She is soo excited!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Nuthin' Sweeter!!!!

Melee Faith has been home one month today!!!!

Daddy, did you eat a powdered doughnut without me???Let's talk about this........You can tell by the evidence on her mouth she got a powdered doughnut!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Suprise another party for Josy Girl!!!

Josy wanted to take cupcakes to school to celebrate her birthday with her classmates!!! We had so much fun making these KARATE cupcakes! I love the look on her face......Is this for me??? Of course bubba had to come!!!
He is such a great big brother!!! JUST THE GIRLS!!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Josy Girl!!!!!

We had a gymnastics party for Josy this year. She invited the girls in her Kindergarten class and family. It was so much fun!!!
This was her favorite part. She got to swing up in the air really high....I love seeing her this happy!! This little girl has brought our family so much happiness! Thank you Lord for the gift of our Josy Girl!! Notice the icing! It is slightly darker than tinkerbell really is....This is because Josy was coloring a picture for Melee and she colored the princess's faces DARK brown. Well....I had it hanging up in our dining room and Mamaw ask Josy why she colored the princess's faces brown. Josy didn't miss a beat with her answer....Mamaw because I colored them like me!!! It was priceless!!! So Mamaw tinted tinkerbells skin too.......Gotta love it!!!
Make a wish sweet girl!!

I can't believe my baby is 6 already!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Who needs toys????

It looks like Melee is saying.... "so this is a drum in America???"
Show me how it's done sissy!!! This is so much fun!!

Eating her first sandwich!!!

This girl likes to eat!!! Look at those little fingers! I am so in love!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009


I passed through the living room and the girls were glued to the television. Melee has never paid attention to it, but she sure seems intrigued!!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Melee's going to church!!!

These are a few snapshots before church. I love them! They are not posed pictures but sometimes those are the best!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Girls, Cheese and Sophie Lou!!

Sophie and Melee are waiting for Josy to share her cheese!
Melee is being more patient than Sophie Lou!!
Is that good???
Melee takes in everything big sister does and says!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Welcome Home Melee Faith!!!

This picture was taken while we waited for the plane to arrive. It was delayed because of weather. It was raining something terrible. I can't explain the feelings that were running high at the airport. We were so blessed to have some wonderful friends and family who didn't let the fact that the plane didn't get in until 11:00 PM and the storm stop them from coming to help us welcome our little girl home.Pat, Me and Aunt JenPapaw Jady, Johnathan (holding the welcome home sign Josy made all by herself) and Papaw BobJohnathan, Papaw Jady, Mamaw Sherrie, Papaw Bob and Mamaw WandaMamaw Wanda, Nana, Aunt Tammie, Johnathan and Papaw EddieHeading to meet the plane......Do you see it yet??????Finally....Here they come!!!!Our first few moments together!!!! Johnathan stood back and just watched! I couldn't stay back and we all know that Josy has NO patience!!! I didn't try to take her from Darrell. I wanted her to feel safe and secure. I didn't want to scare her! She didn't offer to come to me and she would run to Darrell if she felt someone was getting too close. It killed me but I knew it was the best decision. We learned so much from when we brought Josy home.Playing peek a boo. She recognized playing this game with me!!! I had played with her via webcam while they were in China. I think she was confused because now I was real and not in a computer!! She was scared to death of Johnathan. It broke his heart.... We think it was the hat! When I look at this picture it takes me back to the day we received Josy girl! I think about how Johnathan has grown up so much. He is no longer the little 12 year old boy.... he has grown into a fine young man. WOW where do the years go?????Josy LOVES her sister!!!! After 30 plus hours of travel Melee is in a great mood! I know she has to be totally exhausted!!!! She still runs back to daddy when she feels someone is too close!!! She loves her daddy!!! She wants to make sure he is always near. She does think her sister is funny though!!!
She has a little smile for her mamaw too!!! Mamaw finally eased Melee down onto her lap. I don't think she even realized!!! I love this shows Mamaw sneaking her first smooch!!! Notice Melee's hands.... they are full of little snack puffs~~~food is the key with this girl!! Today my baby girl, God has answered many prayers....HE has given us a MIRACLE!!!! You don't know it yet but YOU are our miracle sent straight from the hand of GOD!!!We consider it such a PRIVILEGE to be chosen by HIM to be your FOREVER family!!!! We love you so much already!!!!