Monday, March 22, 2010

She throws kisses and waves bye bye!

Melee is progressing so well. She gets along well with her sister. Although she can squeel like a stuck pig if she doesn't get her way. She is learning to share. Big Sister, Josy, is doing so well with her. Josy likes to give Melee her way and thus contributing to the squeeling problem. When I correct Melee it upsets Josy. She pleads with me to just let Melee have her way. This is so sweet, but what a problem it will cause later if not taken care of.....I am thankful to be the mom of these two precious girl and one handsome young man!!!

Melee is humming words!

I have never seen a baby that hums her words. It is so cute. She does say a few words but she still communicates a lot by pointing and grunting. I am a little to blame for this......I allow her to grunt. I know I am bad, but she is the baby!!! She is so sweet and I can't help it. Tonight I told her to go get me a diaper and she did. She brought it to me and then laid down on the floor for a me to change her diaper. I have tried potty training just a little. She knows where to put the poopie and pee-pee. She will even take you to the potty and point to let you know she knows where it goes. She just will not go on the potty, yet! She will!!


No Barbie car for these girls!
Josy gets out and pushes when they get stuck! I wonder how long before Josy will make Melee get out and take her turn pushing?

You are our SUNSHINE!!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Melee has been home 7 months!!!!!

Doesn't she look happy? I know we sure are blessed to have this little girl in our lives!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Josy has 2 teeth pulled!

My Josy girl had to have 2 teeth pulled. She was very brave! I went with her and Darrell took Melee to have her stitches out of her lip. It was so hard not being able to be there for both of them. We let Josy decide who went with her because she knew more about what was going on and she was very scared. We sit her down and told her that me and daddy had a very hard decision to make. The decision was hard because we both wanted to be with each of our girls, but that wasn't possible. Josy was in A LOT of pain and we couldn't make her wait! So we told her since she was oldest she could decide who went with her. I am thankful that she chose me because she really needed me. She had never been under sedation and she had a tough time of it. Melee did great and as soon as she came back from the OR she was getting her shoes and ready to come home! She only had a little gas so she was full speed ahead!!! This is the first time we have had to split our attention when both of our girls were in such need. It was SOOOO HARD!!! Hopefully we can always make wise decisions that make each of our children feel secure and loved. Because they certainly are and I would never want them to feel otherwise!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Melee's lip revision surgery

She loved playing with the curtain in her room.
She was in such a good humor! I was a wreck! As you can imagine! The nurse getting her vitals before the "happy juice!" After surgery....she did great! I was so relieved when it was over for her. I hate to think about any of my children being in pain. The doctor said she couldn't have any solid food for 2 weeks. He also said she probably wouldn't want to eat for a few days and that would be fine. Well, I'll have you know she ate the same day as her surgery. She wasn't going to let a little surgery slow her down. She will be miserable having only soft foods for the next two weeks! Wish us luck!!! Thanks for all the prayers!