Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Another lost tooth!!!

Josy lost her 2nd tooth. She was so excited she was hoping to get another $10 from the tooth fairy! I explained to her that the 1st tooth is really special and not to expect $10 everytime. Anyhoo...she was making plans of what she was going to do with her money. I was sitting in the recliner and she was hopping her tooth across the end table and it just so happened to hop right off the table and into the vent. You should've seen her face. Such dissappointment!!!! BUT~the tooth fairy ended up finding the tooth and she got a dollar. A very special dollar that had a red star on it!! She didn't understand why the tooth fairy would have put a star on her dollar. Maybe cause that was the only dollar she had? Kids want an explanation for everything!!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Back to the hosptial!

I knew it was too soon to be released. She has finally seen a doctor that thinks she is lactose intolerant. We will see. She is doing better and hopefully the longer she is off of milk products the better she will get!

Melee is home from the Hospital!

We had not been home from the hospital with Melee very long when nana brought Josy home. She was so happy to see her sister. One of the first things she wanted to show her was her loose tooth. This tooth has been loose for a long time, now it was just hanging on. I suppose she will loose it this weekend. This is a Huge deal for a 6 year old. I am so glad to have the baby home. Darrell made it home from Italy. I do think the hospital released Melee a little too soon. I have come very close to taking her back. Darrell wants to wait it out a little while. She has had 13 dirty diapers since they released her at 3:30. We will need to buy stock in Pedialyte before this is over. I am emotionally drained and so thankful to have hubby home!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Melee is hospitalized!

After 30 plus diaper she was admitted to Childrens Hospital for severe dehydration! I am so worried......but trusting GOD! She is soo sick!