Monday, December 28, 2009

Decorating cookies!!!

Melee had fun decorating the cookies, but I think she enjoyed eating them better!!! ;) My serious cookie decorator!!! My sweet goddaughter, Alisa!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Josy has really been having trouble with talking back lately. We have been working on this with her. Today I was having our talk and she told me why she does this......You'll never guess what she said.........Her Bubba!!! She said he was talking back and she learned from him! What??? She continued on by telling me she learned all of her sinful behavior from wasn't my darlin' angels fault, right? Yea right!!!! They are never to young to try to worm their way out of being responsible for their OWN actions! My are a mess!!!! Doesn't raising children keep us on our toes(and knees)!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Our Family has another Christmas Ornament!!!

When Johnathan was a baby we bought an ornament that had three bears. One for each of us. Then when Josy came we made a trip to the Christmas Place and picked out another ornament. One that had 4 snowmen. One for each of us. So~~~tonight we went and got an ornament that had 5 stockings. After 19 years of marriage, we have grown in so many ways!! I love Christmas and putting up the tree. It brings to mind so many memories. I have a picture that is on my tree every year of Darrell and me on our first christmas together. The first christmas when we were only 14 and 15 years old. We were so young. When I look at that picture and then look at the stocking with our 3 babies there is only one word that comes to mind~BLESSED! We have been so blessed and I am so thankful to our Heavenly Father who has chose us to raise and love these 3 children!!!! We went and looked at Christmas lights on our way home and the girls eyes just sparkled with excitement!!! I love to see things through the eyes of my children! It brings such an innocence to life!!! I wonder what the LORD has in store for our family in the next 20 years?