Friday, January 23, 2009

PLAY-DOH is soooo much fun!

Josy and Johnathan was at the table playing with play-doh and I got a few pictures. Josy is wearing her Chinese outfit. She is going through a phase where she wants to wear them ALL the time. Also, she is really into make-up and SLICKING her bangs back. Don't worry she does not wear make-up out of the house! Her daddy does not even like seeing her with it on in the house.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


The heater cord, I think that is what it is called, was messing up on Johnathan's truck. Darrell printed out the directions and told Johnathan it was no an easy job. It would take them about 8 or 9 hours. So they planned on working on it this weekend. When they would have more time. Well....Darrell ended up sick and in bed the whole weekend. UGH! So, Johnathan took the directions and fixed it ALL by HIMSELF. In 6 hours! We were so proud of him. He has such a passion for fixing things!!! I think he is definitely going in the right direction with his career choice. He certainly does enjoy it. He may not become rich....but that does not matter because that has NEVER been his goal for his life anyway!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Is this Snow in Tennessee?

This is Josy Girls first snow. Well, other than when my mom took her to the mountains to play in it last year. This is her Official first time in her front yard. I know it is not much, but..... hey it's something!SOOO CUTE! Measuring the snow with her hand! What mom?
HER VERY FIRST SNOW ANGEL!Well....maybe part mud angel!
One of my favorite photos. You can see the excitement in her little face!
Another cute one!
Gathering sticks for her snowman!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I want a SISTER!

Josy came to me and said that she has decided....she wants a sister. Well, that's sweet. I explained to her that it wasn't that easy. She could not understand why we could just not get on a plane and get her one.....TODAY! I told her that it costs a lot and I was not sure that God wanted that for us. Well, a five year old doesn't understand. She just understands that she WANTS a sister. She must have took the "it cost a lot" to heart because she offered the money she had in her piggie bank. It really touch me. She was willing to give what she had to get a sister. It made me think. We had originally signed up to adopt again from China in 2006. The wait has stretched out so much the age difference in the girls would probably be 6,7 maybe 8 years! So we decided that it was not for us. I am not getting any younger and I am a bit selfish. I like working part-time while she is in school. I just do not know about starting over. I just thought is was sweet of Josy to offer ALL she had to get a sister. It made me think about my selfishness. So who knows what God has in store. We will see. MAYBE he does have a sister in store for Josy. MAYBE NOT! But, I do hope that I can have an open heart and willing spirit to do what God wants me too.