Saturday, February 28, 2009

Fun with Cousins!

Braden is trying to decide what he would like to play first! Miranda knew what she wanted to play~~~DRESS~UP!!!!
Josy is getting her hair done by a great beautician~~Miss. Miranda! Tea Time!!!
The kids wanted to do gymnastics! So, Uncle Darrell decided he would lay on the floor and be a tumbling mat!!!
Notice Josy's pants! She played so hard that she ripped her pants!
Braden is into all of the BOY things! You can not tell in this picture but when he really starts playing hard he sticks his little tongue out! His Uncle Darrell does the same thing and so does Johnathan. SO SWEET!!!!
Uh....this looks a little dangerous.
Braden decided that he will give this a try. They were pretending to be puppies jumping through the hoop! What an imagination!
They decided they wanted a popsicle. Mamaw has Josy absolutely addicted. Popsicles and Hot Chocolate are her favorite right now! Of course the hot chocolate HAS to be made with milk!
Braden took one thing after his Aunt Missy and that is his love for food!
I love this one! Well, I love them all. I just LOVE these babies! They are absolutely a true blessing from God. I can not wait until Seth is able to join in on the fun!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Sharp Reunion!

My dad had all of his siblings, except my Aunt Doris, over for dinner tonight! It was so much fun. I hate that Aunt Doris was not feeling well. I can not remember the last time they had their picture made together. Uncle Paul came in from California. I know that after this picture was taken my dad broke down and cried. He was SOOO HAPPY to have his family together. I pray that there will be another time that they can all be together to have their picture taken again real soon!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Is there a "RACOON" in the house????

No, it's Johnathan and his buddy, Marcus! Marcus has been having trouble with his truck, so he stayed the weekend and the boys worked tirelessly on it! I caught them on their way out the door for a test drive. I don't think there is enough degreaser in the house to get these two clean!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We are going to have a garden!

Yes, I said a garden! Papaw Jady tilled up the ground for us. Josy is sooooo EXCITED! She can not wait! She said we are going to be growing all kinds of things, even JUNK FOOD!! She can not understand why that is not going to be an option! So cute. It reminds me of when Johnathan was little. He picked little green tomatoes and put them in his night stand. He wanted to watch them grow! Precious Memories!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

MORE Snow!!!!

Josy showing her Bubba how to make a snowman! He has NEVER liked the snow! Even when he was small he would stay in the warm house! Can't you see the excitement in his face! It is not often that we get snow so Darrell came home early to play. He helped Josy with her snowman and then went fourwheelin' with Johnathan.
Hard at work. Notice Johnathan is NO WHERE to be found. He went back inside until fourwheelin' time!
UGH! My camera battery died! I wanted to take pictures of the guys on the ATV's. I hate that I did not have that battery charged. At least we have the memories!