Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Josy Girl!!!!!

We had a gymnastics party for Josy this year. She invited the girls in her Kindergarten class and family. It was so much fun!!!
This was her favorite part. She got to swing up in the air really high....I love seeing her this happy!! This little girl has brought our family so much happiness! Thank you Lord for the gift of our Josy Girl!! Notice the icing! It is slightly darker than tinkerbell really is....This is because Josy was coloring a picture for Melee and she colored the princess's faces DARK brown. Well....I had it hanging up in our dining room and Mamaw ask Josy why she colored the princess's faces brown. Josy didn't miss a beat with her answer....Mamaw because I colored them like me!!! It was priceless!!! So Mamaw tinted tinkerbells skin too.......Gotta love it!!!
Make a wish sweet girl!!

I can't believe my baby is 6 already!!!

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